You encounter many challenges on a daily basis. Some are easily dealt with, while others require specialist expertise. Your business success has been achieved by utilising your strengths.
Let us utilise ours to fill the gaps. Here is a selection of our strengths to help you with your business:
focuses on supporting you and your business with taxation and accounting services, including:
is an extension of our tax/accounting services. It provides a premium Back Office function in areas of Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll and month end bookkeeping. This service can be ongoing or utilised to cover periods of staff absences (such as long service leave, extended sick leave) or when small business owners want to travel yet know that their day to day business arrangements are being well looked after . Pradem BackOffice can utilise your accounting software package or ours.
looks at opportunities for improving your business using:
provides superannuation consulting and accounting services to self managed superannuation funds, including:
Pradem Financial Services Pty Ltd is a corporate authorised representative of Australian Unity Personal Financial Services Ltd (ABN 26 098 725 145) AFS licence no 234459 114 Albert Road, South Melbourne Vic 3205.